Cape Town / Lifestyle

Giraffe House

On Saturday we met the loveliest lady at Giraffe House. The tall, gentle and exquisitely beautiful Gerry. We stood and watched mesmerized as she towered above us, swaying back and forth with such grace.

It was by chance that we ended up at the farm/zoo in Stellenbosch, after driving all the way to the strawberry farm to find that it was closed because the season was over. I knew Giraffe House was in the area so we went there instead and it couldn’t have turned out to be a better day! After having our lunch at one of the many shaded picnic tables, we were ready to meet the animals.

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Uthmaan was in is element, sharing facts about all the animals.DSC_1606 DSC_1605

I always wondered why zebra were black and white, doesn’t that make them stand out even more in the dull dry grass? No, says Uthmaan, lions don’t see colour very well so the zebra are well camouflaged against the long grass with their stripes. How beautiful is this animal?

Next we went to meet Gerry.


Miki keeping a very safe distance :D

Miki keeping a very safe distance šŸ˜€

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She ate from the bucket of pellets and long grass that we fed to her, and swiped fingers with her very long tongue!

Next was the Reptile Show, which is on three times a day.

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Each time a bigger and scarier specimen was presented. U went up and was told to hold his arms up (and anticipated a huge snake).DSC_1733DSC_1735 DSC_1741

But met this guy instead. Some other creatures:DSC_1747 DSC_1758

Until the big one came out!

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It took a few tries to get this right!! The worse part was feeling the movement of the scales as it tries to grip and slither šŸ˜¦

I'm rather going to play in the park.

I’d rather play in the park.

The dads

The dads

After all the excitement we were ready to call it a day.DSC_1714 DSC_1805

And we all went back to our house for dessert šŸ™‚DSC_1810

We all LOVED this place and will definitely be back again.

*They are open seven days a week.R45 – adults, R25 – kids, but have no card facility so do take cash. I recommend packing a picnic basket, they have a basic tuck shop but no food.

17 thoughts on “Giraffe House

  1. Loved Reading this and your pix are Lovely ! I need to take my family here soon .. Hope you had a Lovely Birthday on Friday :o) Nadia.

  2. Love those giraffe photos!
    The zebras also huddle up together when they’re threatened. That way their enemy can’t separate them and tell if it’s one large animal or several individuals.

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